Thursday, September 16, 2010

Marisa Miller Brings the Quote of the Day

Marisa Miller Brings the Quote of the Day

Marisa Miller Brings the Quote of the Day  hot models

“Because I did start [modeling] later I had a better idea of who I was and what I wanted. But at the same time, I do think it has almost everything to do with the fact that when my parents raised me and my sisters we were in the country, riding horses and getting muddy. There was just no importance placed on how we looked.”

“I was a tomboy. When I started to get attention for [my appearance], it was really uncomfortable because it wasn’t something that I even knew what to do with. When I started modeling it was kind of cool because it was my job, so I was able to embrace it in a different way. Even now, I put my work hat on and I can do anything, but in my off time, I’m not the girl that wants to be the center of attention.”

… says Marisa.
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