Friday, April 9, 2010

Silvercash Bikini Contest - Hello Summer

Many times we have seen these pictures, they are spread across the internet, supposedly a contest those over 50.
This is not so, here collected all the photos from bikini contest from 2004 to 2007. They are called:
Silvercash Bikini Contest 2004, Silvercash Bikini Contest 2005, Silvercash Bikini Contest 2006, Silvercash Bikini Contest 2007.
They said that in 2008 the competition was too, but the photos that do not see why to believe in the word.
The main condition of participation in Silvercash Bikini Contest - mini-bikini and of course large breasts, and the more the better.
As in any competition, there also pridusmotreny prizes. The girl who won the first place gets $ 1500, second - 750, third - 500.

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